Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thing 10

I used the plagiarism quiz to introduce my students to ethical and unethical use of information or intellectual property. We worked out together in class as a whole . One student volunteered to read questions. For each question he paused and the whole class tried to answer. Not all anwered correctly.Some students still thaught that if they changed some words , and used their own words , it would not be a plagiarism. I then must explain to them what is right or wrong. I show the quiz on the projector, large enough for the whole class to see.It was like a session of Content ESL in Laws. It took us the whole class time because we really talked and discussed the issue.The argument went at lenght but with good reason.
I explained the differences bethween the copyright and the plagiarism to my students.
The resources I used were : Plagiarism and Copyright What are the differences?
CopyRight Office, Taking the Mystery Out of Copyright(This source was very helpful. The visual aid tool was essential to assist my ESL students in learning.) The 10 Big Myth about Copyright Explained quiz was very helful too.
I tried to explain to my students that "intellectuel theft" is a crime. They need to cite the source , use the cotation , and give credits to the authors.

1 comment:

SuperNova said...

This is great. Banlang, you'll have to show me where the site is. This is a wonderful topic and I think you have presented a valuable resource to our students. I look forward to working with you first and last hour of the day.