Friday, December 26, 2008

Accelerated Content Literacy(My ecletic approach

Literacy Skills Activities

My eclectic Approaches

Students must learn how to use language processes to explore and construct meaning with the texts , to be literate in Content Classrooms.

Content reading and writing require:
*knowledge of specialized vocabulary
*a wide range of background knowledge
*the use of study and memory techniques
*strategies for reading expository rather than narrative texts
*a high level of monitoring for understanding
*the ability to hold multiple concepts in memory while judging for importance
*knowledge of sources
* the ability to overcome lack of interest in reading and writing to learn

K-W-L, K-W-L + B-K-W-L-Q



K-W-L helps readers engage in active thinking.
Students generate what they already know k about the topic, they activate their own background knowledge as well as build background for their peers.
In this process , we are able to assess what we need to teach /help students learn about the concept to be studied.
From the back ground knowledge , students develop lists of questions about the topic for which they would like to find the answers as they read and research w

( Input + 1 ) Srategy:Second language acquisition
When the reading and research is completed, students can revisit their questions to see which have been answered and what they have learned L .

Topic:_______ Write down words that you know about this topic.

When? Why?

How? What?

Who? Where?

Write complete sentences with words above.
Make a paragraph .


Skimming and Scanning

*Look quickly and find the most important features and information in a text.
*Prior to the reading the entire text , ask students to find the title, the heading and subheadings, the visuals:chartsgraphs,photographs. Ask them to discuss and decide on what they think this reading will be about.
*Use the Skimming&Scanning form in compiling their questions and comments in the First Impressions colum.Compile facts in fast facts column.
* Determine what they believe will be the important points or questions that will be answered from reading this chapter.
*Discussion of strategies used to quickly determine where and what to read will help solidify students’ skills in Skimming and Scanning.

First impression Fast Facts Final Thoughts

Content Brainstorming
Chapter Title_____________________________

Key Words Heading Subheadings

_________ __________ __________________

_________ __________ __________________

_________ __________ __________________

_________ __________ __________________

_________ __________ __________________

Picture Walk:What predictions can you make about content based on visuals?

Caption: Caption: Caption:
_____________ ______________ ________________

Connections and Questions

What predictions and connections could you make
about what you will learn in the chapter based on above text supports?


What questions could you ask that would focus and guide your reading?


Content word
Concept Word:______________

Definition: Opposite:

Sketch/picture: Sentence:

Vocabulary Exercise


Example word Property

Text -to-Text
Compare Contrast_________< >_________




Boldfaced Words


First Paragraph
Last Paragraph


Focus Questions

Glossary/Key Words


Read Encode

Annotate Ponder

R Read the text. Jot down the title and author.
E Encode the text by putting the main ideas in your own words/language.
A Annotate the text by writing a statement that summarizes the important points.
P Ponder the text by thinking and talking about what you learned. Ask yourself why the author wrote the text. What do you think the author hopes you’ll learn?



Comprehension Questions

Literal Interpretive&Inferential Evaluative

Look at the picture, What season is it What do you think

what do you see? by looking at the the photographer

picture? was trying to show

What are the people Which emotion do

doing? you think they feel?

What kind of people?

What are the key What do you think

words in the they feel?

paragraph#1? Tell me what they are


You see this picture
so you think...

Adapted from :
1.Jo Gusman, New Horizons in Education
2.Janet Allen”Tools for Teaching Content Literacy”
3. NUA conference

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