Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thing 8

Introducing Information Literacy to my classes was interesting. Doing this I followed the five steps of the PRC. I POSTED THE 5 STEPS on the class room wall. I EXPLAINED TO STUDENTS WHAT THE 5 STEPS MEAN. Students appeared to be more awared that Information literacy is very broad. It's about academic libraly,assessment,pedagogy,learning to learn, finding up dated information for research project,ethical use of it.
Many of my new students needed extra help on how to use the computer to present their work. To teach some students how to blog was challenging , but others were excited to learn, and learned fast too.
I read the thing 8 intruction several time before I perused the links complied by Karen Eiden. I found the information useful.People around the world are using blogs as PR , and as new way of teaching. Students are no longer excited about the lecture.

1 comment:

23 Things said...

Your students seem to be "getting it." It can be a long hard road to get the plagiarism copyright ideas acrsoo. Glad you are doing so well.